USA Abortion Law
The US abortion law has been raising a lot of tension and debates on the internet recently. So I decide to do piece on it because apparently blogging means running towards the chaos. I asked people on my contact list to drop their opinions about the issue. This post will be basically outcome of that ‘survey’, my findings on the law and then my own thoughts on the matter.
Before I proceed I just want to firstly say wow. Moving on I will really like to say wow again. Cause America?. Wanting to be morally upright? America that young Africans look to whenever they want to validate bad habits?. Our beloved ‘saner climes’?. Same America that older Africans look to when they want to condescend moral standards and bask in their self-righteousness?, that’s the same America doing this?. These aunties/ uncles WhatsApp BCs are about to get fiercer. I mean I shouldn’t be so shocked. The world has been hurling all sorts of plot twists at us since Covid but this one...
In case you somehow haven’t heard of this before at all, well from what I gathered from twitter, rants and debates the US government is seeking to ban abortion. And putting a fine of between $10,000 to $100,000 for anyone found wanting. A ten year jail term was thrown in the mix too for good measure.
After a little more digging this is what I found. Abortion was made legal in the USA as recently as the 70s. You see, a case in the supreme court as at the that period Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects a pregnant woman's liberty to choose to have an abortion without excessive government restriction. This invariably legalized abortion as the pregnant woman could pull the plugs whenever.
The US Supreme Court now is the process of overturning this decision. Women especially are enraged and for obvious reasons. Because how can the supreme court tell them what to do with their bodies?. Pregnancy isn’t a walk in the park has I have been made to understand. If someone must have another person(lets not talk of when they come with roomies) live in them and basically feed on their live form causing them all sort of discomfort, and putting them almost in a position of disability they should at least have a say in if they want to go ahead with such daunting task. No?.
Personally I think that the whole pregnancy and birthing
process is so unnecessarily difficult and dangerous, whoever the angel who was on UI/UX shift in heaven that day was just taking a piss. Cause first of all
why do human babies have to be that big if they’ll be essentially useless for
another 3 years or so?. They are not trying to stand on their feet an run
from predators within an hour of being birthed so why can’t they be smaller?. Why can't the birthing canal be a bit bigger?. It won't help with aesthetics?, oh! aesthetics over functionality?, that angel was definitely Steve Jobs' guardian angel. But I digress.
After asking for opinions from my respondents who were mostly female, their responses were that they will like to have a say in if they would house a parasitic creature for 9 months or not. They all acknowledged that abortion is morally wrong according to their various religions but they didn’t particularly equate it to murder.
A few of them went on to say they would not do it however if they were to be carrying a child they didn’t plan for. One of my respondents stood out however she was all for death penalty or jail term or any stiff penalty for whoever tries to abort a child they didn’t want.
According to her logic medicine has advanced in the area of contraception and so no one has an excuse for getting unwanted pregnancies. Upon further questioning she showed no sympathy for rape victims as she said they should know enough to get checked and ‘flushed’ after to prevent pregnancy. This respondent in summary submits that there is no possible way you should end up pregnant when you don’t want to.
I’m in no position to say if this respondent was right or
wrong as I asked everyone to speak freely and from any perspective. According to
internet people ‘no uterus no opinion’ so how could I argue with a uterus
I however discovered that several states already have some ban on abortion to varying extent. I think what the bone of contention really is when the foetus has an heartbeat actually becomes alive. That’s where all the disagreements exist.
For example in the state of Arizona the governor signed a bill outlawing abortion after 15
weeks except in medical emergencies.
The Florida
Governor signed a law banning abortions after 15 weeks. They were previously
allowed until 24 weeks.
In Wyoming a
“trigger ban” has been adopted, which would ban most abortions if the U.S.
Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade. The law would provide exceptions where a
woman’s life is endangered and in cases of sexual assault and incest.
In my opinion I think these aren’t so illogical. That’s not the point however. The right to have a final say is what most women fight for, anyone should be able to make the decision.. but I had
earlier thought it was just stiff in all states. I don’t even know if it is
safe to want to terminate a child after 15 weeks to start with.
However in Texas there
is a different approach to the matter. Texas is among several states enacting
"heartbeat" abortion bans which prohibit terminations once a foetal
heartbeat can be detected, usually at six weeks, which is before the point many
women know they are pregnant. There are
no exemptions for rape or incest.
Honestly I think the Texas approach is really stiff and just counterintuitive. Why give a timeframe that basically doesn’t count?. Why force a woman to have a child that she got through a traumatic experience?. She’s unhappy .The child is born and finds out it’s a source of trauma for the mother and is unhappy too. Solid lose-lose situation. People in Texas clearly do not watch supervillain movies because if they did they’d know they’re just creating perfect origin stories for supervillains.
Before I round up I think it might be more than just abortion. I saw a tweet a while ago saying a particular state was planning to ban a drug I understand to be a morning-after contraceptive. Seems to be turning religious and next thing they’re preaching abstinence. Master Jesus wants to arrest America? Haha I’m here for it. At the end it’s a very big blow to liberalism. let's see how it unfold. kindly leave comments of your opinion.
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