Mental Cage

Hi guys, it's been a while but the internet just wayyyy too tensed rn for me not to have something to say.

Just yesterday myself and one of my best pals (Lola)  were talking about stuff .Then she mentioned that maybe these recent happenings in Africa is all scripted and maybe the white are looking for a way to come back in an colonize us again. I told her colonizing will be too expensive. You too just imagine how Much her Royal Highness,mama Chale,The Queen of England will spend on logistics bringing soldiers to Africa, the jets, the ships. Meh !.

I told her they already have us on lock down and we'd do anything for their approval, in our heads we still see them as god. That mental cage they have us in is enough to checkmate us.

This bring me to the video of this guy !(find attached below), can someone explain to me why the a video of an ordinary guy singing our songs wrongly will send my entire country flipping on their heads?.

If I do a video of myself singing "I have a dream by westlife" in my kunta kinte accent I don't think America will flinch.So why are we dying over this video if we don't still feel whites are gods and he's doing us a favour ruining our songs with that weird accent?
