My SARS Tale (part 2)

OK let's continue...
I entered the bus but thought heyy, why not try talking my way out of this the way I do most situations?. So I tried to convince them again that I stay just a few buildings from where I was picked up(all these was now spanning a little over a minute, and probably drawing attention a bit). These guys didn't care, they didn't even want to search or anything.

 (From all the SARS stories on twitter,once the vehicle moves you're gone). So I frantically tried to reason with these guys till one of these bastards slapped me twice (imagine meeeee??😭) a whole baby boyyy!. Ladies and gentlemen all my calmness and composure returned in a giffy. I had catarrh all day yesterday but after those two slaps it dissapeared and didn't come back till like 1am. I cannot make this up. I just became quite and started thinking. They said they'd drop us off at Ifako police station. I was like lol I'd be out in no time, this is my hood (all these in my head lol,my mouth wasn't functional for like 2 minutes).

They got to the side of ifako police station and zoomed right past it .In that moment I knew it was going down(I quickly talked to the only person I didn't need a phone to talk to(GOD ). They were taking us somewhere farther now. Guys were already panicking Some shouting stuff where are you taking us to? "If you want to kill me just kill Me let me die".lol the Yoruba in me didn't like that type of play at all.

(did I mention we were 13 guys in the bus?,excluding the 4 SARS officers and driver?.pardon!) I think it's also important to add that a complete stranger was lapping me and I didn't even mind. Gee I've been scarred 💔

After taking out time to think properly and sizing the matter properly,seeing how real shit had gotten in a short period of time. My survival instincts jumped in and tactics changed real quick. It was now "join them if you can't beat them". I immediately became the voice reasoning with my just returned composure 😂. I started calming guys down and saying stuff like "chill" "relax", "nothing spoil", "we go reach station sort am now"😂😭💔 .

We eventually got to the station (all these while may I remind you I was completely innocent and the most dangerous weapon on me was probably my fingernails?, wasn't with anything implicating, but the slaps and the gun got me into the program you'd be convinced I did something).

Part 3 coming up soon!


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